V mojej práci sa zaoberám pamäťou, zmenami a postojom človeka k prírode.
Skúmam premenu miesta prepojeného s rodinnou históriou a mojim detstvom. Konfrontáciou minulosti s prítomnosťou dokumentujem premenu krajiny v dôsledku ľudskej činnosti a zachytávam moju momentálnu nostalgiu vyvolanú plynutím času a životnými zmenami.
Pomocou fotoemulzie som na drevo z tejto oblasti vyhotovila fotografie lesa z rodinného archívu. Vytváram tým akúsi pamäť daného miesta a znázorňujem ako sa z ekosystému stáva materiál. Akt vyobrazenia stromov na kusy dreva symbolizuje náš postoj k prírode ako produktu a tendenciu človeka štylizovať sa do pozície vládcu prírody. Zároveň týmto upriamujem pozornosť na súčasnú situáciu ťažby dreva na Slovensku.
I focus on the change of a place closely connected with my childhood and the upbringing of my parents. By confronting the past and the present I document direct human impact on landscape as well as my current feelings of nostalgia caused by growing up and facing life transitions.
The result is a combination of a found natural object and black and white dark room prints. Using photoemlusion, I have enlarged photographs from my father’s archive onto wooden logs found at that specific location. That way I am creating a tangible memory of this forest and portraying the transformation of an existing ecosystem into pure material – the way we view nature during the current Anthropocene Epoch.
The act of placing photographs of actual trees onto pieces of wood symbolizes our attitude toward nature as a product existing solely for our benefit and the tendency of people to perceive themselves as the most significant and powerful entity on the planet earth. Furthermore, I draw attention to our current situation regarding deforestation – logging even in protected areas and creating monoculture tree plantations.
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