
2020 is a year where technical technological progress touches daily routine more than ever. Because of a global pandemic, advice on the physical distance to others is given… Schools, universities, playgrounds, museums, working spaces, bars, etc. are closing, private gatherings are for- bidden. Suddenly nearly everything is taking place in the private space. Just

a digital window to the world, to people- le and education is lasting:

A feeling of self de- fragmentation is co- ming over me.

The special separation between different spheres is re- pealed, and then the separation is what I am becoming, my- self. My Torso is a replica of all the ot- hers I see again and again on the screen.

I miss being in different places and people.

In the project „de- fragmented romance“ I play with the possibilities of digitalizing my torso, de- fragmenting my mask, printing it, and making a lonely, but private situation out of it. The fragments are lying together in my private space like isolated rose petals, waiting for the right situation to come.


1. roč.



Socha, objekt, inštalácia

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